Sunday, July 5, 2020

"Aren't you glad you aren't orange?"

She is white and lined with an orange color that fleshed out as more light brown than before and the top of her head seems to be turning black like mine, "poor thing!"

"Hello, Squeaky!"

She gets her bathtub today.


She was in her favorite spot and came out to where we say hi almost and then went in her house! but she left the spot when I came.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Friday, July 3, 2020

Rodeo Rodent

My hamster zipped through its external wheel, running at lightening speed, and it darted out the hole precisely while doing that.

Running With the Music

It went and sprinted in its wheel so fast with exciting musical theater music on.


I played violin and my hamster look plopped, almost like it was dead because it was still.  It wasn't facing me, though.  I've never seen it like that.

Thursday, July 2, 2020


When I put my pointer finger / hand in, she took it and tried to squeeze quite much and then tried with her soft bite.  It was like she put effort and was pushing, so sweet, like she was desperate to do it.

Songs I Know

I get up sometimes from bed if a song I like is on Hit List / Top 40..  It ran around and snuggled up near me.

"Ooh... Scary!"

I caught her looking at me in the dark.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My Hamster

when I first got her

the other day

Shake Hands

This time she cleared bedding from hiding, like she came out.  She actually came out in the day/light.  She waited in 2 places I tend to have met her.  She just put her hand/s on me this time, my finger, no biting.  She seemed so affectionate.

Following Through Feeling Friendly (Continued)

She was up in the spot she climbed, like she was saying, "Well!" waiting for me.

Following Through Feeling Friendly (Continued)

She went all the way to the end of the attached cage rooms and ran back to that spot, up the stairs, where she touched me, like she was building energy as she went before she did it.

A Tiring Touch (Continued)

She seemed to be in a sorta mood that mattered like it was serious before the "tiring touch."  She was where she likes to sit at the entrance to the external wheel.  Often, she will be in the external wheel, but sometimes I see her at its entrance.


She put her breast forward like it jutted out before she put her hands on my finger, like she deliberately did it, very friendly.

Following Through Feeling Friendly

This time I played with her, she put her hand/s on my finger and put her mouth over it, though her bite is like a feather for some reason.

Monday, June 29, 2020

A Tiring Touch

My hamster moved its paw like it was touching me, and then tonight instead of the night out I saw it looked tired and went back into its house.  So, it must have been a big thing for it to do, a lot of work, and it got tired ... to act like it was touching me.  Maybe, it wants to do that at our next meet.  Today, she didn't go to meet me, though, maybe had it planned or went along with things.  I was waiting to see if it wanted to meet again, like let me pet it, but maybe not that today.  I mean, it hasn't been out much tonight, like usual.

Dance Hamster Dance

So, I got up and turned on some light when a song that was popular before came on and danced a little.  The hamster likes to dart through the connected rooms of the cage.  So, it went over to another cage and darted back through, went up some stairs, jumped off, and went into its wheel and probably started running!

Touching ... and Biting

I tried touching her.  I retracted after she started to bite, but her teeth are so soft and so is her bite it does nothing, maybe in any case.  I retracted right away this time for some reason, in case she would bite, and the next time she started biting more, like she wanted to teach me to stay.  Before, she stopped biting me some when she saw I retracted then.

Faithful and Loyal Pet Hamster Girl

When I came when she was out, in the dark but turned on the light, she went to a place where I was playing with her before, and she looked so affectionate, sniffing around.

She keeps honing in on places we bonded and testing new ones.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Teaching Me a Lesson

There's a teeter totter tube I got it, and I was playing around with it.

Now, it clogged up one side with bedding so I can't get to it from behind.

Signs of Intelligence

It likes to eat this big peanut butter stick, and I found it buried it completely.  It doesn't seem to be eating much else but I have seen has some.  The food doesn't seem to be going down, though, still the same amount it looks.  It must be just enjoying the peanut butter stick.

I was shining light in its house a lot, and I can't move the house in the cage because it's attached.  Next time, I saw it covered the whole with bedding so I couldn't do it.


I was playing with it near its wheel yesterday.  I saw as I was near, it came out a little to see if I wanted to see it again and when I wasn't there went back.  When I was there, it was just sitting there looking at me.

I played with it in a certain area recently, and when I left it was so emotional and affectionate yearning to see if it could do the same thing in that spot again.  It was there for quite a moment and moving, forward, etc.

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Most Emotion

My hamster has fairly more light pink eyes for a hamster.  She is white and an orange-y color.  She is so emotional and is expressive.  She cares for me like a mentor, like "a boy and his dog."  Well, she fell when the door might have been left open by aliens.  I trapped her and got her back after about 2 days.  She was fatter and eventually couldn't fit in the little dwarf hamster sized tube, so I rearranged the cages/rooms...  She used to look more "with it" and symmetrical.  She seems fine mostly and is still extremely dexterous and pretty fast and coordinated, surprisingly, like a higher species.  It seems she has some better qualities than humans, like the next step for hominids and primates.  Anway, the most emotion is how she seems to feel for her pain maybe from the fall and slouches over and nods, like she is catching her breath.  No complaining, she still cares about me.  It is so touching.  It's very sad.  She might be okay, but I don't want to bother going to the vet to wonder if she's dirty from running around the room, which is a garage, my room ... nor to see if they will will surgery on her or put her to sleepy yada yada yada.  It might be fun, but it might be better not to, in this case.  It might be incurable.  Maybe, her nerves are shocked.  I heard when they fall sometimes they just sit there for awhile and then move, but they can show signs of being hurt.  She moved a lot when she was heaving.  I dunno if she was just on one of her wheels or what.  So cute and expressive! hard to say in words how much it is!